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Melasma Specialist

John M. Humeniuk, MD, FRCP

Dermatologist located in Greenville, SC, Simpsonville, SC, and Greer, SC

The National Institutes of Health reports that more than five million people in the United States have skin hyperpigmentation caused by melasma. As an experienced dermatologist, John Humeniuk, MD, FRCP, understands how difficult melasma is to treat. That’s why he offers professional skin care products, laser treatments, and chemical peels to reduce this common skin condition’s appearance. Call John M. Humeniuk MD, LLC, in Greer, Simpsonville, and Greenville, South Carolina, today, or request an appointment online to learn more.

Melasma Q & A

What is melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition that causes tan or brown patches of skin. It’s far more common in women than men, particularly during pregnancy. While melasma can show up anywhere on your body, it’s most likely to appear on your cheeks, forehead, and nose.

Areas that experience frequent sun exposure, like your arms, are also prone to hyperpigmentation.

What causes melasma?

Melasma isn’t dangerous, but it does change the appearance of your skin. Experts don’t know what causes melasma. They believe it’s linked to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The most common causes of melasma in adults include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Using birth control pills
  • Thyroid disease
  • Hormonal changes
  • Sun exposure

You’re more likely to develop melasma if you have dark skin, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

How is melasma diagnosed?

Patches of melasma are typically larger than freckles, though they can look similar. To diagnose melasma, Dr. Humeniuk might only need to perform a visual exam. He could order additional tests to confirm his diagnosis.

Once you have a diagnosis, Dr. Humeniuk uses a special light, called a Wood’s lamp, to see how many layers of skin the melasma has penetrated.

How is melasma treated?

Dr. Humeniuk offers several treatments for melasma at his offices, including:

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing uses targeted beams of thermal energy (heat) to break up pigment in your skin and stimulate new cell growth.

After a comprehensive exam of your skin, he can recommend the right laser treatment for you.

Chemical peels

A chemical peel is a non-surgical treatment that uses special solutions to gently remove your skin’s surface layer. Dr. Humeniuk offers glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels at his offices. Once applied, chemical peels cause the top layer of your skin to flake and slough off, minimizing the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Dr. Humeniuk can expertly diagnose melasma and ensure that you receive a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs. He may also recommend additional products that can help treat your melasma at home.

To schedule a consultation, call the practice, John M. Humeniuk MD, LLC, today, or request an appointment online.